Dim. 17/02/2013 à 17:43
rédigé par GN'R France
17/02/2013 17:43, rédigé par GN'R France
Nous venons d'uploader sur le compte MediaFire de GN'R France le bootleg intégral de Tokyo 2012, source AUD + IEM (l'oreillette retour d'Axl Rose). Le triple CD a été encodé et uploadé par nos soins, aux formats MP3 (192kbps VBR) et FLAC (compression niveau 5). Merci beaucoup à Karlos pour la source ! Voici les détails du bootleg "Welcome To Diver City" :
Guns N' Roses - 2012-12-18 - Tokyo
"Welcome To Diver City"
18 décembre 2012

LINEAGE: Original CDR bootleg > Mac OS Max software > FLAC / MP3
FORMAT: FLAC (Compression level 5) / MP3 (192kbps VBR)
FILESIZE: 563MB (FLAC CD1) + 568MB (FLAC CD2) + 510MB (FLAC CD3) / 108MB (MP3 CD1) + 109MB (MP3 CD2) + 113MB (MP3 CD3)
01. Intro (Splitting The Atom)
02. Chinese Democracy
03. Welcome To The Jungle
04. It's So Easy
05. Mr. Brownstone
06. Estranged
07. Better
08. Rocket Queen
09. Richard Solo
10. Live And Let Die
11. Axl Rose M.C. - One Step Back!!
12. This I Love
13. Used To Love Her
14. Motivation (Tommy on lead vocals)
15. Dizzy Reed Piano Solo (No Quarter)
16. Catcher In The Rye
17. Street Of Dreams
01. You Could Be Mine
02. DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (Mi Amor)
03. Sweet Child O' Mine
04. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
05. Axl Rose Piano Intro (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road / Someone Saved My Life Tonight)
06. November Rain
07. Objectify (Bumblefoot on lead vocals)
08. Don't Cry
09. Jam #1
10. The Seeker
11. Civil War
12. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
13. Jam #2
14. Nightrain
15. Don't Let It Bring You Down
01. Madagascar
02. Whole Lotta Rosie
03. Jam #3 (Waiting on a Friend)
04. Patience
05. Jam #4
06. Paradise City
07. Outro 08. Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 *
09. Axl Rose Piano Solo - Someone Saved My Life Tonight *
10. November Rain *
11. Don't Cry *
12. Jam *
13. The Seeker *
14. Knockin' on Heaven's Door *
15. Patience *
* Recorded from Axl Rose IEM source.
NOTES: Excellent quality recording (AUD + IEM mix). The bonus tracks are IEM only tracks, where the rest of the bootleg is a mix between AUD and IEM sources (which means they overdubbed IEM source with AUD source to obtain the best sound). 300dpi covers are included. Please leave this info file if you upload/ torrent this elsewhere.
> FLAC VERSION: http://www.mediafire.com/?9u99mx1tuz39l
> MP3 VERSION: http://www.mediafire.com/?e3bvas6c962dj
Participez à notre concours
Tokyo 2012 jusqu'au
3 mars et vous gagnerez peut-être un bootleg original
"Welcome To Diver City" grâce à GN'R France et notre ami
Karlos ! Plus d'infos sur la page du concours :
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hkXAQtgrsvMNJtZB3FYzmHZ_mo1GgvN6HeVirg5HaUI/viewform (foreign fans are welcome to participate and enter for a chance to win an original bootleg CDR).
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